An introduction to the way that health data is gathered, stored and used in the NHS today.
About the guide
This guide aims to address questions that people often have about how data about health is used, and explain key terms related to large datasets – including anonymisation and pseudonymisation.
UPD commissioned Open Creative Communications to develop the guide in collaboration with our team, a group of health data experts and members of the public.
It is available under a creative commons license and we encourage other teams and organisations to host it themselves, adapt it and use it however best suits your organisation's outreach and engagement on the topic of large health datasets (within the license!).
Alongside the guide, we have produced animations, social media graphics and a poster. Use the link below to download it.
Download the guide
Download the media pack
Alongside the guide, we've produced a media pack with assets to help with promotion. Read these instructions on how to use the assets and then download them below.
Social media: A guide with some draft social posts, and a series of social media stills:
- What is health data and how is it collected?
- What is a large health dataset?
- Why can't health data always be completely anonymised?
- The estimated total volume of global health data
- Where can I found out more about the use of health data?
Animations: which are available on our YouTube account. Drop us an email if you'd like the raw files.
Poster: To put up in hallways, waiting rooms etc.
Get in touch
If you've got questions, feedback or want access to the animations for this work, write to us at: