In June, we shared a Request for Proposals as we sought to commission an evaluator to undertake surveys and interviews with our key stakeholders, to better understand and evidence the impact of the Understanding Patient Data initiative. We also hoped that this evaluation would ideally serve as a baseline measure for future (and more regular) evaluations, and to inform the next programme of work for UPD based on the feedback and results. We commissioned Apteligen to support us with this evaluation project.  

We are pleased to be sharing the final evaluation report today, which will sit on our About Us page alongside the 2018 evaluation report. It explores:  

- the impact of UPD across our key areas of work (developing resources; research and public engagement; advocating and influencing policy and practice; developing the patient data community; and media commentary and content reach)  

- provides detail on 4 specific impact stories  

- presents the concept of UPD’s ‘cycle of impact’  

- considers UPD’s influence and value at system level  

- and reflects on the implications of these findings for UPD’s ongoing practice and development  

Read the report here

the apteligen and UPD logos with the text 'an evaluation of understanding patient data final report november 2024' 

We are proud of the evidence gathered that demonstrates support for UPD’s key strengths as an initiative and the significant impact it has had, and we appreciate the evidence-based recommendations for how we can continue to improve our programme and practices.  

Thank you to Apteligen for carrying out this evaluation with us, and thank you to all the stakeholders who contributed through the surveys or interviews.