The Covid-19 pandemic raised some interesting and difficult challenges around patient data. Over the course of the pandemic, we put out a number of news articles on the topic – as we make some edits to our news page, we wanted to bring the content of those articles together in one place.
17 April 2020: Health data and Covid-19: taking action while maintaining trust
An Intelligent Health webinar brought together discussants from across the world to talk about the long-term implications of how data is being used in the response to Covid-19, with three key reflections for organisations using health data.
21 April 2020: Easier said than done: the challenge of transparency during Covid-19
A discussion of the challenges of getting transparency right especially during Covid-19, and the reflections of the UPD team on transparency in their own work.
16 June 2020: Data in the time of Covid-19
A discussion of how the infrastructures, partnerships and new norms established during Covid-19 may impact on the future of health data in the UK.
4 August 2020: There is no single truth about Covid-19
Miles Sibley, Director at the Patient Experience Library, explains why we need to look at qualitative data to really understand the impact of Covid-19 on people’s lives.
12 November 2020: The role of routine data in the fight against COVID-19
Dr Marion Mafham leads the data linkage team for the UK’s landmark Randomised Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY (RECOVERY) trial. She describes the key role that routine patient data is playing in the world’s largest clinical trial investigating effective treatments for COVID-19.
17 November 2020: Data partnerships and the pandemic: reflections from our parliamentary webinar
We outlined the key findings from our report investigating what the public thinks about third parties accessing NHS-held data to the All Party-Parliamentary Group for Data Analytics and the All Party Parliamentary Health Group.